Friday, 24 May 2013

Planets Mnemonic

Planets Mnemonic

This week in school we were learning all about our solar system The Milky Way.We also learned an easy way to remember our planets here it is.                                                                                                                               
My                                                        Mercury
very                                                              Venus                        
easy                                                              Earth
method                                                  Mars
always                                                          Asteroid Belt
just                                                        Jupiter
speeds                                                          Saturn
up                                                          Uranus
naming                                                  Neptune
planets                                                         Pluto



Mars. captured Mars
Mars  is also  called the red planet.
Scentist  discovered frozen  water on mars. Mars looks a lot like our planet. It is the 4th planet in our solar system.Mars is a very cold
The middle looks like the sun. IT HAS 2 MOONS NB Deimos are not round like our moon. They are much smaller and have irregular shapes. Phobos is 13.8 miles (22.2 km) across and Deimos is only 7.8 miles (12.6 km) across. Both moons are covered wanith craters and are made of rock and iron. It is possible that Deimos were two asteroids which were by the gravity of mars.


Earth is the planet we live on, we know alot about it but some things we don’t. Here are some facts you might or might not know.  
Facts :
Nickname : The Blue Planet
Distance : 93 Million Miles
Order From Sun : 3rd Planet
Moons : 1
Diameter : 7,926
Temperature : 57 F Highest 136 F Lowest 128 F
% : 70 % Water 30 % Land
Age : 4.65 Billion years old
One day on Neptune is how many days on Earth : Neptune’s day is 8 hours less than on Earth!
By : Adam, Amy and Niamh.


Mercury is a small planet which orbits closer to the sun than any other planet in our solar system. As well as being very hot, it features a barren, crater covered surface which looks similar to Earth's moon.
The surface of Mercury is very similar to our moon. It has a very barren, rocky surface covered with many craters
Being so close to the Sun, the daytime temperature on Mercury is scorching  reaching over 400 Degrees Celsius.
At night however, without an atmosphere to hold the heat in, the temperatures plummet, dropping to 180 Degrees Celsius.
Mercury has a very low surface gravity.
There is also no water on the surface of Mercury, it is possible however that there could be water underneath the surface.
Likewise, there is no air on the surface but it could be trapped underneath.
Did you know mercury has no moons.

By : Lucy, Tyler and Joseph


Planet Jupiter  

1.          Jupiter is biggest planet in our Solar System.1300 Earths can fit inside it.
2.          Thick colorful clouds of poisonus gases surround Jupiter.
3.          When earth and Jupiter are closest together they are
4.       Jupiter has a very strong magnetic field, you would weigh two and a half times as much as you would on Earth.

5.          The planet ‘Jupiter’ is named after the king of the roman god.
6.Jupiter has at least 63 known moons

By Rhiann,Olivia,Ileta and tristan


Saturn Fact File!!
  • Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and is another gas giant.
·         Saturn has a small rocky core covered with liquid gas.
·         It is surrounded by a system of rings that stretch out into space for thousands of kilometres.
·         The rings are made up of millions of ice crystals, some as big as houses and others as small as specks of dust.
·         Saturn is very light as it is made up of more hydrogen than helium so it is less dense. If we could fit Saturn into a bathtub it would float (but that would have to be one big bathtub!)
·         Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons which surround it.
·         Saturn is not a peaceful planet.  Storm winds race around the atmosphere at 800kmp/h.
·         Saturn has a very strong magnetic field which traps energy particles resulting in high levels of radiation.
·         Saturn has a total of 60 moons, many of which were only discovered in the last few years – 52 of them have received official names. Believe it or not, this isn’t the most in the Solar System  
·           Saturn has very short days compared to the Earth. It takes Saturn only 10 hours and 39 minutes to completely turn around. However, it takes 10,759 Earth days to go around the sun. That's 29.5 Earth years. So if you are 29.5 years on Earth you would only be 1 year old on Saturn. That means that I wouldn't even be 2 years old yet.



Venus is a fascinating planet that is similar in size to Earth but very different in regards to atmosphere and surface conditions. Its thick clouds lock in the heat while the surface rages with active volcanoes.

  The full of many and volcanoes.craters very active
  • The surface is also likened to molten lead.
surface of Venus is often described as a "stormy
Venus features no liquid water
Venus is the second planet from the sun and the closest planet to Earth. It is named after The Roman
 Goddess of love and beauty, but it's extremely hot and deadly atmosphere makes it impossible for
any human astronaut to explore it's surface. The diameter of Venus is about 7,520 miles which is about 400 miles
 smaller than that of Earth.
Venus Facts You Might Not Know About
Venus is known as Earths' twin sister because of its similar size
and proximity to each other.
Its atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide.
Venus rotates so slowly that it orbits the sun faster than it can
make one whole rotation on its axis. In other words, Venus has a longer day than year.
It takes 243 days for Venus to make a rotation
And it takes 224 days for Venus to orbit around the sun.
Venus is one of the most widely explored planet aside
 from our own Earth.
Numerous space probes have been sent to Venus to gather data and some have
 landed on the surface.It is believed that Venus have bodies of used to water
 similar to Earth, but
 dried up over a period of 300 million years when the sun began admitting
more solar energy after the sun's infancy stage.
The clouds of Venus is filled with sulfuric acid.
Venus has mountains that are higher than Earth.
 Maat Mons is more than 5 miles high.
Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth.
The planet rotates from East to West. The only other planet that does this is Uranus.
. If you were able to stand on the surface of Venus, it would feel like being 1 kilometre under the sea on Earth, a depth deep enough to sink a submarine. A person or a creature would immediately be crushed by Venus' amazingly strong pressure.

There are 166 recognized moons in our Solar System. The Earth only has one. Jupiter has the most with 63 moons confirmed
as of 2009. So, how many moons does Venus have? Zero. Venus and Mercury are the only two planets that do not have a
single moon in orbit about them.


Venus is a fascinating planet that is similar in size to Earth but very different in regards to atmosphere and surface conditions. Its thick clouds lock in the heat while the surface rages with active volcanoes.

  The full of many and volcanoes.craters very active
  • The surface is also likened to molten lead.
surface of Venus is often described as a "stormy
Venus features no liquid water
Venus is the second planet from the sun and the closest planet to Earth. It is named after The Roman
 Goddess of love and beauty, but it's extremely hot and deadly atmosphere makes it impossible for
any human astronaut to explore it's surface. The diameter of Venus is about 7,520 miles which is about 400 miles
 smaller than that of Earth.
Venus Facts You Might Not Know About
Venus is known as Earths' twin sister because of its similar size
and proximity to each other.
Its atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide.
Venus rotates so slowly that it orbits the sun faster than it can
make one whole rotation on its axis. In other words, Venus has a longer day than year.
It takes 243 days for Venus to make a rotation
And it takes 224 days for Venus to orbit around the sun.
Venus is one of the most widely explored planet aside
 from our own Earth.
Numerous space probes have been sent to Venus to gather data and some have
 landed on the surface.It is believed that Venus have bodies of used to water
 similar to Earth, but
 dried up over a period of 300 million years when the sun began admitting
more solar energy after the sun's infancy stage.
The clouds of Venus is filled with sulfuric acid.
Venus has mountains that are higher than Earth.
 Maat Mons is more than 5 miles high.
Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth.
The planet rotates from East to West. The only other planet that does this is Uranus.
. If you were able to stand on the surface of Venus, it would feel like being 1 kilometre under the sea on Earth, a depth deep enough to sink a submarine. A person or a creature would immediately be crushed by Venus' amazingly strong pressure.

There are 166 recognized moons in our Solar System. The Earth only has one. Jupiter has the most with 63 moons confirmed
as of 2009. So, how many moons does Venus have? Zero. Venus and Mercury are the only two planets that do not have a
single moon in orbit about them.