Monday, 11 December 2017

Puppet Show!

Today was super exciting as we were lucky enough to have a puppet show put on for us in the green room. The set up was great! The show served the purpose of teaching the kids about the importance of doing our best, making smart choices and being kind to ourselves and others, as these are the moral principles that underpin the KNS code.

Young scientists at work

Hello everyone!

Here's a quick update on what we've been doing in science over the last couple of weeks. Recently we've been learning about rocks, so we became rock detectives for a day and investigated the many different types of rocks in the environment. We examined them closely and tested whether or not they are permeable. We also learned all about chemical reactions and made our very own lava lamps using just water, vegetable oil, food colouring and alka-seltzer tablets.

While we were learning about breathing and respiration, we created our very own model of the lungs using balloons, straws, plastic bags and bottles. The plastic bag acted as the diaphragm, and when we pulled it down the balloons filled with air, demonstrating exactly what happens in our lung when we breathe. Pretty cool! 

Welcome to 3rd and 4th class!

Hi everyone!
Due to some technical difficulties it has taken some time to get the third and fourth class blog up and running, but it's finally here and we're super excited to share what we've been getting up to with you all! Here's a quick sneak peak at some of our fantastic art work....

We really enjoyed creating our Native American dream catchers a couple of weeks ago. They were constructed using recycled goods from ReCreate (an amazing shop that provides old recyclable material, ideal for arts and crafts). I've never seen such deep concentration as the children intricately wove their webs. As you can see they turned out beautifully.

The children also painted some winter silhouettes (just in time for the subzero temperatures we're encountering at the moment). I was so impressed by their blending skills. We do have some budding artists here in third and fourth class.